shadows of the parish of the holy trinity have been serving in zabolotov for 25 years before the beginningon. sisters to organize a humanitarian center with its own food warehouse in the premises of the kindergarten to the meetings of the necessary sisters involve all those who care and not only in ukraine in general well, we are very i am often alone in poland, our sisters work there, and they also collect various help from various of their acquaintances. a lot of people respond there, and also the sisters who work with me here, they have their own families, their acquaintances, and they too. well, they are in contact. they call and we we say what the needs are the most here and then they try to help us in some way, then thanking local volunteers like men and boys who agree and we go for these goods, we will announce it to those who need it the most here, who most of all, of course, it is food. there is always something needed, and clothes. so many people ask for help. especially now that it is already warmer. if it were a warmer season, we have such rare cases when people ask for such in