it's named after zach lederer.otice he doesn't have any hair and has just undergone the fourth week of radiation. he struck the pose before he underwent treement for a brain disorder. he has inspired cancer patients across the nation. he had stars, athletes -- >> the governor who placed a call to him. we wish him a lot of luck. >> he will finish his fight in the next couple of weeks while they make the ride out to see algt. that's a long time to be on a bike. >> they wear the special shorts in the pads. >> good idea. just bring your pillow and sit on that for the next thousand >>> a couple concerts tonight and fireworks show, so everybody needs to know the pressure is on. >> there is tonight and then the fourth of july looming and we have had very stormy fourth of julys in past years. most of the celebrations etc. today will go off without any real rain problems. that being said there is a chance for showers to be becomeling up. we have plenty of humidity, and temperatures are soaring into the 70s and 80s, and it's