according to a tweet sent out by the department of correction, 26-year-old zachary reaves walked away from the catawba pre-release for second degree burglary.he has a tattoo of an angel on his shoulder and was last seen wearing his south carolina department of corrections tan uniform.if you know where this man is or have seen him, call the department of corrections toll free at 1-877-349-2130. 3 3 happening today, columbia mayor stephen benjamin will give the state of city address. he will present the 2016 state of the city address at city hall, that's on main street.the dress starts tonight at six.a reception be held in the gallery at city hall immediately following the 19 will have complete coverage of the state of the city address tonight. 3 testimony will resume this morning in the federal re- trial of jack parker and his business partner douglas taylor. the men are accused of operating a sports gambling ring....that was conducted by five or more people.they were convicted on the same charges three years ago...but that conviction was overturend after it was determine