and so i say now that zack tahan is a new york city hero it is time to honor him the new york city way naming an absolutely disgusting sandwich at a deli after him. >> you want a ham and egg and mari mara sauce on butt erred rie, yeah, all right, one zack tahan coming right up, get it right up, it's coming, it's coming. so thank you. thank you to zack, thank you to all "the new yorkers" who stepped up on the subway yesterday because this event turned out a whole lot better than it could have. and you know whatever this guy intenlded to do to new york, it didn't work. yeah. because let me tell you, new york is a tough place, after 9:11 new york bounced back. after hurricane sandy new york bounced back, after covid, people were like new york is never going to come back. get out while you can, trevor, it's come back. (cheers and applause) >> yeah. people were like oh, all the places are going to be empty, all the people moved back in, rents are higher than ever before. i don't know country said that like it is a good thing but still, the point is, this city keeps coming back and that's wh