the grandmother of the victim, a citizen of zadolsk, suggests that likhachev worked part-time as a loadernight, only the amount, painfully impressive more than 300.000 rub. where did people get such money from loans, he did not take it, he worked only at the factory. maybe he had accumulated an unlikely amount of money. likhachev began to earn money about a month ago. listen, check all the hang-ups on theft and robbery. and by the way, and what about the knife? the conclusion of the examination on it. likhachev’s blood and two groups of prints of likhachev himself and denis ivanovich karavaev were found. already. by the way the last case of karavaev and i want to pass as a prosecution witness for something you are sitting. let's quickly go to the mountains, drag this one here, we'll recognize him in a caravan. where does he not want comrade major, and there citizen karavaev asks urgently to the investigator in the case of karavaev so it’s true vezuh you don’t have to run anywhere, father. i hope you help us with the problem reward will of course help. what are we talking about. and who is