the most recent ones about the extraordinary phenomena of the zama zama illegal miners that are workingold abandoned gold mines around johannesburg in this area. trying to get bits of gold that they can sell. trying to get bits of gold. on the one hand, you have these enormous mechanical grabs that can grab 20 tonnes of earth and rock at the same time and a hundred metres away, we have someone sitting in a small, shallow hole with a hammer and a screwdriver literally chipping away at a rock, grinding the rock with a piece of concrete and an enamel bowl and panning it, mixing it with mercury and an old sock to get a tiny dot of gold which they will sell to a gold dealer which eventually goes into the commercial gold market. what is the message in the film that you gone from the massive gold production of an industrial level to this artisanal. .. it's a phenomenon and it's the way in which things are seen in south africa which i think will be a pattern in other parts of the world also. and that is when a huge industrial edifice, the gold mining industry in south africa, starts to collapse