. >> of course, he flew the plane under the veterans bridge in zanesville. there's not much clearance between the river and the bridge. >> zanesville, ohio, is not the sort of place you normally associate with rare events. >> small population. hometown people. everyone knows everyone for the most part. >> but on october 18th, 2011, zanesville, ohio, briefly became one of the most dangerous places in america. it all started around 5:00 p.m. when terry's nextdoor neighbor noticed his horse, red, acting strangely. >> red was eating grass, just like he is now. and all the sudden, he took off. red took off up over the hill. he wasn't running from me. i didn't know what he was running to or from, and so i went through the gate. and i looked, and he went all the way up to the corner where the fence comes together. when i got to about right in here, i could see more of the horses, and they were going around and around in a circle. and horses don't do that unless something is going on. something is not right. i could see something was in the circle of the horses. i s