by the way, for the capital of zapolyar this will be the seventh record in a after lunch it is expected to be +26-28, given that the daily maximum for september 13 is +27.4. in the following days , the situation in the atmosphere over the russian plain will change little, for example, on sunday in the middle zone in the northwest +227, in the south up to +27.32 only in zapolyar will be able to break through cool air masses, due to which the daytime temperature on the kola peninsula will drop to +13-18, although this is noticeably higher than the norm for mid-september. so in murmansk, starting tomorrow, it will rain, along with clouds in the capital. will get into the air with the waters of the north atlantic, so you can forget about records. the prevailing daytime temperature will be +14-15, and only on saturday monday the thermometer may rise a few degrees higher, in central russia at least until the middle of next week it will be sunny and the probability of rain is minimal, so the abnormal heat will continue. in moscow at midday, the mediterranean 25