but it's also a measure of how fast zarahi menendez's early childhood education center is growing. "(short, sharp sound of kids playing)" after only a year and a half, this chicago business run by menendez and her husband raised more than 335-thousand dollars to turn a vacant lot next door into an playground emphasizing concepts of nature as well nurture. "it is good for the kids and has added to our community." the money-managing skills to get an s-b-a loan and expand her business began with a boost from chicago's women's business development center, whose annual conference, this week is helping more women get started as entrepreneurs. "the traditional sources of capital won't be there for five years, so turn to the wbdc and others for money to small businesses." carolyn gable's 25-million dollar a year trucking business earned her woman of the year by the group. her secret---adapt quickly to change. "a lot of vendors are saying we'll warehouse it for you until you're ready to go so you don't have to buy it all at once." and some of the gains by women entrepreneurs are not measure