the other one, who’s the other one , chernobog, himself, chernobog, learned about chernobog from zavadskyhim, everything. "i wanted to be like him, or at least next to him, he had a connection with him, and i wanted what i wanted, a connection, yes, yes, something like god, he is omnipotent, uh-huh, he is the most commanding, well, yes, he can punish, or he can have mercy"? hey, it’s weak, you sit down in the place you came in like a lump, and who you bypassed, and he’s a different kind of black man, he rightly causes misfortune for everyone, whoever doesn’t see him and doesn’t accept him will be dealt a complete blow. at least you hear me, no, back on the stool, grief and fear, it makes no difference to him whether you are rich or poor, if he notices you, then you can’t get away from him , he won’t let you go, he’s ruthless, that’s why he’s strong, and you won’t let him go you can’t win, you can only die so that you can be led with mercy. hi, hi, listen, i miss you so much, i know that seryoga has arrived, but there’s nothing to be done, listen, we need to be careful, it seems to me that