zdorovya took part in various volunteer programs. that's good with the mission.he first time my main task. - is to transfer experience, accumulated experience in the field of work of non-standard situations in the field of work with people with disabilities. we have also worked with parents of special needs children, boys and girls, and young men and women who have various diseases and need special attention , and, of course , we have worked with specialists projects. i really liked the analysis of the types of temperament. and here vladislav directly dismantled us. we yesterday, in principle, we had our response team is represented by the bronnitsa regional organization and there were moments of characterization of personality types , which, in principle, we will use in our team within the framework of the project, russian specialists visited special institutions in minsk , minsk region and grodno for a very short time , literally two. weeks of our partners have been working with us with ours and we have received very great responses. about 300 people. we got su