explorer zebulon hike is credited with pike's peak. cable partners work with staff who recently traveled to colorado springs to explore the city's rich history. more about colorado springs all weekend here on american history tv. >> to best understand who spencer penrose the man was, i have a quote from his obituary. it says he was more than a community builder and philanthropist, he was a personality, a spirit, a being such as the pike's peak region had never seen before and will never see again. it was a scholar and a gentleman, a rugged individualist, a man apart. as vigorous and yesterday as the great pioneering west that he loved. he knew his own mind and he experienced it. in my own words, who is spencer penrose? i think of him more in terms of his legacy to the community. probably two of his most obvious legacies are he build the broadmoor hotel in 1918. one of the finest resorts in the world right here at the foot of pike's peak. he created the foundation, being apple orchard in spanish, and that was named after his home. where