always stand back as far as possible i do that for avoid falling onto the tracks psychologist saying zein he is normal after what happened recently in frankfurt and in the town of their where people died after being pushed in front of trains. it's impossible to always feel safe that's an illusion as fear is an ever present force in our lives we must always be on guard this incident has shown that dangers look everywhere and our platforms are often crowded by the time trains roll into stations across germany countries like japan and china have a solution to the problem barriers that only open once the train has come to a standstill a similar system is used by stockholm's public transport service but even there it's not in place everywhere. security barriers help a lot when it's crowded at peak times lots of passengers crowd the platform. but according to experts installing security barriers at germany's biggest stations is not feasible there are too many different train models in use so the doors don't always open at the same part of the platform and the waiting time between trains is shor