thank you, zeinab.rms can't make |the decisions for users but we seenj they have the power to remove users like donald trump, my question - | would be do you think they shouldj decide who can go on the platform and who can't? this has generated a great deal of discussion. are these commercial, private outfits or do they operate in the public interest? how would you answer, for samantha? it is important to keep in mind these are private, profit—making companies owned by some of the richest people in the world and are some of the most valuable companies in the world. they can do whatever they want. people for some reason decided they have to operate in the public interest. they absolutely do not have to operate in any interest but their own and their shareholders' interest. that's one thing to keep in mind. it is really hard to separate out what happened with donald trump from the actual issue, which is about concentration of power, that there are too few tech companies running most of the game going on.