>> but as zeke freeman explains, we need to care. zeke knows a lot about bees. his company, bee raw honey, works with beekeepers all across the country. >> but, you know, the reality is is that bees pollinate over 100 different fruits and vegetables. we're talking about melons, pumpkins -- i mean, really basic fruits and vegetables that we eat every day. >> that's why what's happening in the bee world is causing alarm in the human world. bees are dying in droves and disappearing from hives. it's called "colony collapse disorder," or ccd. >> colony collapse disorder has affected over 10 million hives -- in fact, killed 10 million hives over the past six years. >> no one knows why this is happening. there are many theories. it could be a virus, or tiny insects called mites that attack the bees. or the problem may be man-made. >> we have pesticides that are put on everything, you know, from fruits and vegetables, beans, corn, soy. and bees fly around, and they collect pollen and nectar from these plants. and those pesticides, you know, either kill them or significa