kathleen zellner filed an appeal.the crime scene leaves no doubt that michael boyd, the last known person to see michael heightold alive was an overlooked suspect with motive for murder. >> it is frustrating to have something so incredible happen where people are willing to come forward and admit they lied, then have a judge reject that. but thank goodness he doesn't have the last word on this. >> ryan's family is busy again. they put up a billboard here in town. trying to track down the real witness, the mystery witness the janitor spotted in the parking lot that fateful halloween of 2001. >> you wait and see. we're going to get a lot of good information out of this. >> and deep inside the state prison, ryan ferguson counts the days. are you allowing yourself as you did before this hearing to imagine, you know, next week, next month, next year, what i'll do on the outside? >> it's a long way away by now, but yeah, i do imagine it. you know. i've an amazing family, an amazing girl in my life. i really look forward to