polya walks and does not spare heels, celebrates noisy weddings, and glorifies whom zemlyakov, all of the river. spent half the winter on a hot stove, curlers on the birches, a window in the lace, everyone. god forbid, in all centuries, in all epochs, we lived in ardelnos, where in russia, we were the only ones. not to reach the river, we sat half the winter on a hot stove, on birch trees in gikudi, in lace like a cat and turn everyone’s mind, sleepy, and sonka i, a pot like a cucumber, no matter how we didn’t get to the river, we sat for half the winter on a hot stove, on birch trees, bikugudi, in lace, a cat, everyone has a ringing accordion in their chest. “dear, beloved country, you are incredibly beautiful, you are incredibly large-scale , i love you endlessly, my country, develop further, we love our country very much, there are many beautiful cities in it, in our city of shuya there is the second tallest bell tower in russia, a reason to feel that i am one piece of everything large that we can see, feel, touch. understand, this is something very significant for me, i love you w