i thought you'd given up that prisoner of zenda escape nonsense. [music continues] how do you close the door, vince? - how do you close the door? - don't be an idiot. don't pull that lever! the door closes for good. you colossally stupid fool. you're dead, you know that? i wouldn't go so far as to say that. i figure i've got the head man here. n pa) 'mr. lockridge. dr. martin's waiting for you.' gabe? dr. martin will handle the launching alone. mr. muller is holding me hostage in the first-aid room. 'go put plan a into effect at once.' 'dr. martin will take full charge.' goodbye, gabe. good...goodbye, mr. lockridge. 'gabe, one thing more.' how much oxygen do we have left? for the two of you, at a normal rate of respiration about 18 minutes. so that's what plan a is, huh? complete abandonment by colleagues and buddies. you can't understand that, can you? the old moralities based on the value of the individual's life die hard. well, my life is now worth as little as yours. when a man joins our organization he agrees that whenever he makes a mistake t