military polotsk the holy martyrs the correspondents of the sanctifiers mykolaiv of zerkalynsk miracle-worker grigoriybishop of stanislaviv josaphat bishop mukachevo mykyta bishop of canada vasily bishop of lutsk district bishop of peremysk ivan bishop of stanislavov syneon bishop of the passion friction to the venerable disciples of our fathers leontje exarch of russia clement archimandrite of leonov siviryan who are even relatives of departed zinovius and ivan the passion of the holy martyr ivan andriy nicholas of roman peter and oleksiy of the holy martyr omelyan shepherd in the site of the holy martyr mykola volodymyr ra hail and the stranchan reverend martyr elder saints olympias and lawrence and the glorious martyrs of the good faith, vitaly with him, the abuser of idean constantine michael onufrius philip maximus danylo constantine the martyr who is the martyr of the ukrainian land of the reverend and bearer of our koss and the antonites still of pecherskyi and others the reverend of our koss and the reverend mother of our josaphat the saints and righteous fighters who are miami and all the saints of