federal events themselves, then it became a meeting in the outreach format, or with the plus today zeya, who was accepted into the association , meets not only those clear economic criteria, but also the political ones of the same views, that the main five are ready to defend similar positions in the international arena. and of course, when other structures. today, the question of the likelihood of changes in the structure of the un council was raised again russia, which consistently advocates that a reform of the security council is needed, but those states that can join. the security council must have been deprived over the past decades. here is an illustration, and on the topic of justice today, istra brought foreigners about 450 a little more than $ 450 billion, of which five are 450 and 25. and if you take africa, then less than 3 billion, germany alone receives by selling processed raw materials, and already as finished products it receives 7 1/2 billion about it we talked about it, and uh this one by ourselves, probably like new. the russian creation of new working groups on the