the invited expert yuriy beher, head of the department of the city clinical hospital named after zhadkevichiegory candidate of medical sciences on the topic of consumption, a omega-3 field of unsaturated fatty acids, a essential a-a. we know about the beneficial effect of the need for a number for the work of the heart for the proper functioning of the brain, and so on and so forth, we never talked about the connection. your health and that's polyunsaturated fatty acids. why can't i remember the exosopeno by looking like and here it is easy for pentaenoic acid by chemical, and the second, and the second docose is hexaenoic acid. you see, i need, apparently, a lot, a lot of omega-3s to improve my cognitive abilities, and so to speak, that i can say this, but nevertheless , the topic is very important for women's health. and then there's omega-3s. tell me what happened recently. such a study. among russians. this study recruited a group of women of reproductive age. this age is from 20 to 45 years. among these women there were also pregnant women, and now they put task. how much eco-pentaenoic