zhang ozhong r ralls a terrrrist attack here in 2004, whwhich kied t threehinesese engineers. eads thehe chinese compapy building the new gwadar r por. chchina has leasased the port t0 years.s. littttle is known n about the s and details of the ctrtracts invovolved werere noallowewed to film onn the site i itself. the aim is to turn gwadar into a new trade hub. but some speculate that china might also want to use the port as a naval base. >> i don't know what they're scared of. [laughter]r] chchina isealllly a ace-lolong country. wewe don't have a history of colonizing other countries. >> beijings pushing g ahead with various projects, creating infrastructure whehere before there wawas nothing. herere, the china a communicats cocompany is buiuilding housinr the workers it intendso o employ he. >> i thinknk around 5,00000 pee are e going to comome, chinese peoplele. but for this project, i thkk mae 80800 pele. >> it's gogoing to be sosome kif chinatatown? >> yes, definite. >> not everyryone in gwadadars feeling optitimistic aboutut a chinese-led future. many pple e hereo not t b