then another guy, zhang yuanhua, joined us. and had an artistic temperament. zhang yuanhua had been a soldier for many years and it was very obvious that had. i was somewhere in the middle. these differences between us led to quite a few arguments. every day we endured fatigue, thirst and, in winter, freezing temperatures. but the biggest challenge was psychological. it was the same monotonous drill day after day. the real problem was water. we would have to go downhill to find it and carry as much back up again as we could, which would take several hours and a lot of energy so we drank as little as possible. there were quite a lot of villages along the great wall, they always supported us. even when they can not afford any meat, they would share the best food that they had with us. you couldn't rely on the map, in many places the terrain was extremely dangerous and only locals knew the safe routes. when we finally finished the expedition and arrived atjiayu pass, we were swamped by the press. everyone was saying you are heroes