iryna kasevich sennya ўruchyal to the teacher-arganizator zhdanovitskaya pa chatkova school zhanne pradavikovaidea of the created project was born in the last year of the year, following the reign of the founder of the university, and their cyaper 10 chalaveks, led by adzinokih. did not abandon them, then these are people whose hearts grow with them. our task , the state task, is, of course, for our elderly people to live at home as much as possible, yes, aging at home, while receiving as much as possible the services they need, about 200,000 people today receive services at home through various mechanisms, this is within the framework of the state social order and by the hands of social protection workers, with the involvement of both youth and... and related care, this is really our task not to lose anyone and give as much as possible the help they need today. zhanna prodovikovaya is busy at school. i can help everyone in the future and social service centers in the minsk region. please pay attention to four pensioners, the growth of which will exceed 80 years. new socially significant a