but dedespite the chchallenges, zheng g xi, e doctctor student from hangzhou, is dermrmined t keepampaigigni, and recruiting othehers to the cacause. peaps this ia suitab metaphoror the #meo movement in china -- a bubb t that cod burst t on too easasy. >> i am -- >> - -- a globalal teen. youbah: my name is youbah mohammedou ghahra. i live in diama. i have two sister and two brothers. my father is a tradesman. my mother is a housewife. i really like going to school because it will improve my life. after school, i do my homework, then i play football, and after that i hang out with my friends. i think they have a good life, better than children here in mauritania. i'd like to become president of my country, because there'e'a lot of poverty here. i'd like to make a difference. i would really like to be president. our generation has more opportunities than our parents and ancestors, because we can go to school. host: this week in global ideas, we are off to the forests of serbia, home to -- wait for it -- pigs. common, domestic pigs. the animals play an important role both in the local ecosystem