cat, for example, no, maxim stovitsky, for example, a rooster, a rooster, a rooster, let it be zhenya medvedevap of bremen skaters, bremen skaters, by the way, not bad, i have another question for the troubadour, it seems we've already seen this somewhere in his room, a bed, a girl, as if the bed is the same, here's a friend's girlfriend , a friend's girlfriend, please explain, in fact, the bed is just ours, we take it with us for the performance, so, and why are the girls so often change, you are a ladies' man, so fickle, normal. i agree, he is just a troubadour, you will say that it is just the same girl who dyed, re-dyed her hair, yes troubadour, good question, is it the same girl or different, girls are different, each has her own talent, you can't argue, but you noticed that she has troubadour pajamas, well, she is a true fan, i wanted a new collection or this? it is just hidden advertising, troubadour, i would just like to say, not just, not just caught, but a mercantile lover, nothing similar, troubador, i would just like to say, hold on to this fan, because her energy is just very crazy