hello zhenya my name is lara, i don't know how to explain this to you.ave strange sounds in my computer. i'll go. then have a truce drink i'm going to see, she's just an actress she she always plays a little actress not an actress. who cares? i just wo n't drink with you. that's all, to create from scratch for myself and others, my crooked path for women continued. hello tanya tell me why, being my neighbor, studying with me at the same school, you do not say hello, thereby showing your bad manners and unfriendly attitude towards people. i'm sorry, i don't know you when let's get to know each other. my name is macha, actually igor and this is murzilka, he is vadik vadim and this is robik whoops, though i don’t know his name, his name is robert i mean. and i'm tanya. listen. it's just that if you do n't know any of us, you don't take us for people, for anyone. i don't hold you. then let's be friends, there is no one to be friends with. so are they better than us, or what, have you heard? guys, i didn't say that, let me go, i'm in a hurry. who does not let