basket, why zhigodskaya , good day, hello, when is the service, the next service is on saturday, on yes, they are attacking again, still not like last year. it’s still bad, if only you could get in sooner, beat them, beat them, you ’re not doing this with your mother, anything can happen, when you graduated from your technical school, you didn’t finish, because of the war, you didn’t have time, well, nevermind, we’ll ask them again, for... "everything, from the lowlies too, i’ll get to these myself , the uds, they were glad that they could hit their backs, their heads, you know the story about traitors, a gypsy came to the forest, they were scared, the trees shook, the gypsy had an ax in his hands, but old oak said: “don’t be afraid, the ax is without an axe, and the gypsy grinned, went up to the tree, the most mossy one, and said, who are you now, who knows that you are in the forest, now become my axe, and the tree became an axe, and there was no forest, victor, and you saw, you see your mother every day, but no, i’m talking about the real ones, anna mikhailovna is the real one, i