many people who are presidential material that in thousands but they do have a voice either can become zia i present myself as a group. i present myself as a group to put together all these resource what we need right now is a leadership that will lead us through this dictatorship right now as we speak i know that i'm fully qualified to lead uganda but again i know that it's not my qualifications i don't it's a qualification of all the ugandans that one change this is i'm not doing it as a person we have doing this as a team but again i must also see that i am presidential might give you educated and well researched and will travel but most importantly if we have to compare with a president that has presided over our country for more than 34 years he was he is not as educated as i am he was not as great people as i am and you was around my age when he came to power when he took over the country fair i want to believe that i am as fully as him or even more serious than i want to bring this conversation see you mr you because what is it that you are offering a ugandans talk to us about some