we're going to bring on development only buds men to as zift in that process. we're doing a great deal including start-up companies in something called mc squared, enhancing fiberoptics throughout the county in a way to serve many businesses much better. beyond that we are also looking aggressively at changing how we do economic development overall. there are several models out there. we've had for a long time the traditional model of economic development being part of county government one of my departments. i want to move to push that out to make sernl it responds much more actively and closer with the business community, align them with it and maybe have a private corporation that the governments support, helping to make certain we do all we need to do for businesses in terms of marketing, growth development, looking at international aspects of development, making certain or smaller and minority business have a better shob at what we do in terms of the local economy. all of those things i think now should be moved in align with the business community so they