things together up in the cloud so some will connect through blue tooth, some will connect through zigby, some through wi-fi. >> as a consumer -- >> you don't want to know anything about that, but up in the cloud, those agents up in the cloud that put these things together, will allow them to -- will allow them to talk to each other so that at the end consumer at the end of the day i can wake up and have these things work together. >> i love this idea of these agents up in the cloud. what i worry about is that what those agents up in the cloud might happen to be a nasty person, who says you can lock your door remotely but if i get in the app i can unlock it. if scott is out i can access the camera and spy on scott. this is a spooky development. how do we stop this becoming some point a new police state that the nsa and everybody else starts spying on us with. >> the biggest problem around security, a huge problem with the industry and the biggest problem we're putting these computers in all of these devices. so by like turning your fridge into a computer fridge you create all these secur