someone said, henry, ziggy stardust, take it home, live it, love it, learn it, and i played it, i wasn someone would loan the other records, and i became quite the fan. as far as inspiration, i am awed by him. it's more than inspiration, it's awe. and now that he's departed, he takes with him... he leaves his music, but he takes with him a universe, in that he's not genre specific. he is... he is a sovereign nation, and that's why everyone is so affected, because you lose part of yourself when he goes. yeah, i mean, he was into... design, clothing, the look. of course, he was into his music, but he did acting, too. film and art and... i met him once, and he walked by me at a festival, and i was like, whoah! i wasn't going to talk to him, i was just kind of watching him walk by. iwas... and he stopped and looked at me, and went, rollins. i went, david, and i shook his hand. he said, have you had lunch yet? isaid, no, and he said, let's have lunch. i'm like, oh, yeah, sure, let's do that. and he started quoting me from interviews of mine. he said, you said something last month in this m