. >> zina says the inside is just as special. >> african-americans oftentimes struggle with knowing the history because it has not been taught to the level that other types of history has been taught. and, america has a whole, intentionally, don't understand history. >> motorcycles, twos and in our newsroom qualified. >> drive safe buddy. >> woo hoo as ric flair would say. thank you, mr. driver. i will need your services again at seven tonight. [laughter] >> this is david chatham. this harley-davidson. that was fun. bike riding is accelerating. why do you love it? >> the community of people that are involved in motorcycling, everyone has the same passion and they love to be on the road and love to feel the wind and they love to be together and celebrate writing. ground. >> i'm curious as to why i'm wearing a leather jacket? >> well, what's happening right behind us? something is happening. >> let's get out of the way. >> don't run me down. [laughter] so this is bike fest? >> this is the kickstart parade coming in. we have marianne marshal of the parade. and this is kicking off the weeke