and d so, gradualllly, zinave l come b back life.e.some 7500 animals ♪ anchor: 767 million people around the world live in desperate poverty, more than half of them are children. for many, poverty prevents them from being able to attend school. many don't even have a roof over their heads. worldwide, up to 150,000,000 children live on the streets, several thousand of thth in cacambodia's capitital, phnom . reporter: their classes take place on the street. a social worker teaches the basics to children in a poor ararea of phnom penh. their families can't afford to send them to a state school. they can't pay for medical care either. both the doctor and the social worker here are volunteers. many of their parents moved from the countryside to find work in the capital. they can't pay the $1.50 a day that state schools charge for lessons and a midday meal. the organization "friends international" has its offices in the center of pnomh penh. it was set up by sebastien marot in the 1990's. sebastien: when we came in, it was all abandoned. it