that reunites our country's history is an america that will go on the meeting between tsar and zion alexis the press is so important because it marks the first peaceful resolution i will interrupt you that's a reform going to go over to a london now where through the british prime minister is making an announcement to ensure we leave in a timely and orderly way timely and orderly way cannot drag on much longer it is pushing members of parliament and everyone else under immense pressure as it is doing damage to our politics despite the best efforts of m.p.'s the process that the house of commons has tried to lead has not come up with an answer so today i am taking action to break the logjam i've offering to sit down with the leader of the opposition and to try to agree a plan that we would both stick to to ensure that we leave the european union and that we do so with a deal any plan would have to agree the current withdrawal agreement it has already been negotiated with the twenty seven other members of the e.u. has repeatedly said that it cannot and will not be reopened what we need to fo