ziva branstetter, your response. >> i think it is interesting. i cannot speak to their reporting since we did not do their report. >> this whole issue of the death penalty in oklahoma, and getting the drugs, and the second execution put on hold for the next 14 days -- talk about the judges who first ruled the executions should be stated, the governor overruling them, and now the calls for the judges to, what is it, be impeached? >> wanamaker has filed articles for -- one lawmaker has filed articles for impeachment. others do not think it is going to go very far. the governor said she believed the supreme court overstepped its authority in issuing the execution. they'd normally you decide on criminal cases. decided they had the right to do so. >> and the governor's response, not that she pushed forward for the execution, and it has become a debacle? >> she has called for a full investigation. we will have to see what that reveals. >> you mention three other executions in the past. of this the length execution, 43 minutes, if it is indeed an execut