interests are not being advanced by these interventions ziyad u.s. interests are not being absent u.s. economic corporation and other interests are not being advised by the policies we're applying and the approach we're taking towards the middle east it comes completely at odds with basically saying something with i went on doing what you have to go ahead fellows go ahead fellows there the one big exception is the huge influential industry known as the arms industry you go they are the ones who benefit when the who has intervened i thought if you look at the model for example out here is that of the u.s. in the in the iran your own war you had the us sitting back and saying kill all each other's young men use up each other's treasuries and we will go in on the side of the weaker power that was saddam hussein's iraq to make sure that it stays more or less even so that the war will continue it's what we're seeing right now in places like syria whichever side wins who benefits follow the money the benefits go to the arms dealers the arms industry the ar