vice president ziziunas thank you, that different community groups have put out their own surveys around apec. is there a central place in which feedback is being solicited? is it, um, in terms of, um, i, i think a lot of small businesses are under the impression that there will be like a mitigation fund or something like that. is there a way we can more clearly relate to the small business community? what um, you know is being solicited from them and where that information will go? yeah. thank you for that question. we have actually received through our office and in general several surveys or feedback from all sorts of businesses in the area. so we do have those on hand. and i know supervisor dorsey had also solicited feedback as well. i will say this, this was a very challenging event, but there was no money set aside for mitigation. i also i want to remind the commissioners that every day our office hears about challenges in all parts of the city. so whether it's an mta project that has impacted an entire corrid