there was ongoing investigation into the oligarch zlochevsky, the owner of burisma, at the time. we know this because on february 2nd, 2016, the ukrainian prosecutor general obtained a renewal of a court order to seize the ukrainian oligarch's assets. a kiev post article published on february 4, 2016 says the oligarch zlochevsky is suspected of committing a criminal offense of illicit enrichment, end quote. over the next few weeks, the vice president had multiple calls with ukraine's president poroshenko. days after the last call on february 4, 24th, 2016, a dc consultant reached out to the state department to request a meeting to discuss burisma. we know what she said because the email was released under the freedom of information act. the consultant explicitly invoked hunter biden's name as a board member. in an email summarizing the call, the state department official says that the consultant noted that two high profile citizens are affiliated with the company. including hunter biden as a board member, end quote. she added that the consultant would quote like to talk with unde