my name is zoe dunning. it's been a while since i've been back in city hall. i'm the former first vice chair of the democratic county central committee and also a former library commissioner myself. i am here to speak in support of cynthia dye's application for this role. i've had the pleasure and privilege to have known cynthia now for over 30 years. she's been tremendous friend and colleague. i have not only known her personally but also have worked with her on various consulting projects and i think the qualities that cynthia brings that are going to be very important for this sunshine ordinance task force. one she's very clever tive. she's someone that you want to work beside is willing to hear all reasonable ideas contribute her own. i think her ability to collaborate is is critical. secondly, she brings a wealth of information and she just described some of her ideas around how to make the process and the thing more efficient, more effective so that it stays true to its mission and its and its opportunities. and i also find her to be incredibly fair. her