it is by former world bank president robert zoellick writing in "the financial times."imulus is the theme. the perfect guests to discuss this. gary shilling is with us, and komal sri-kumar. gary, let's start with you. we talk about structural change, but it is very difficult to governments and congress and so forth, and acting structural change. that we are in the age of the leveraging. i wrote a book in 2010 saying that. , in the 1980's and 1990's -- that process takes 10 years. at the rate we are going, it will take even longer. during that time, we are stuck with slow growth. i do not think that is the end of the world. it will resume rapid growth driven by productivity improvement because of technologies. but that is down the road. vonnie: how long is it going to take? sri-kumar: i do not think it is an automatic change, once there is a new precedent -- once there is a new president, and the crowd or republican. you need structural reforms. so nothing is going to happen in 2016. you are going to have slow to negative growth taking place in the united states. you are