and i have to take my hat off to bob zoellick my predecessor. bob was the greatest champion in the history of the bank on open data. and i think that has led to now an openness that's just stunning. here's what we did. we took the best data we have on health outcomes, educational outcomes and years of schooling. years of schooling is usually not such a great measure because effective years of schooling is what you really want. but if you took those three things together and then looked back 25 years and asked the question, so if you look at the top 25% of countries that have improved their human capital and compared them to the bottom 25% of countries that have not improved their human capital, what's the difference in economic growth? and the number we found was stunning to us. 1.25% of gdp per year for 25 years. and so when our chief economist paul roemer saw this and said is this what explains the middle income trap, is this what explains the natural resource curve, all these things we've been observing over the years, that even as gdp grows