well we're joined now from washington by zoli assistant professor of middle east studies at johns hopkins school of advanced international studies welcome to day w. you've written a book based on many years of research on iran's revolutionary guards and based on that use argued in the new york times that so the money's death changes nothing for iran that it wants it the region regime back in the region why not. well i think one thing that's important to understand is that the revolutionary guard leadership structure is one that was created based on fighting in the run iraq war in the 1980 s. and what iraq was back heavily by the united states in the west so iraq had to perfect a symmetrical warfare and what that meant on the battlefield was that there was a ad hoc leadership structure developed and that's something that has continued to this day so although so then when he was extremely important and his death is very significant he is not the only one within the rebels mary barra who has connections and deep ties to iranian backed iraqi and lebanese shiite groups in the region. you sort