she was a fan of zora neal hurston, as i think many of us are today. the author of, "the eyes are watching god." she was professionally trained as a stenographer and this woman had it in mind that she would bring zora neal hurston back to florida and help her become the negro editor of the ex-slave florida project. florida was one of the earliest states to submit these interviews to federal directors in washington. and the federal directors saw this as a rich possibility for other states to undertake, as well, for a number of reasons. but this is where the complications come in. you look at the ex-slave project, all of these different groups and stakeholders involved within the project all saw the testimony as a way to articulate their own views about the legacy of slavery, whether or not it was a brutal or benevolent institution, and the legacy of african-americans coming out of emancipation. so to give you an example, at the federal level, you had directors like john lomax, known for being a folk song collector. he helped create one of the largest fo