lake zora neale hurston who did an amazing job and florida finding culture. she was trained in folklore. and she established herself as a novelist and the harlem and this is not -- renaissance and thirties she knew her storytelling capability and the rich trove both from eaton go where she grew up in the african-american in town and florida up the gulf coast she did the field recordings of songs, stories, and a sing to hear also on the library of congress website. but there are also many others who did not become a famous like ruby wilson yet to they went on and became and got the stories down and ruby went to write a history or a book about a local pioneer who would have been lost to history if ruby had not gone out and gather those interviews and collected her own history. that is essentially my take on this story and my introduction to the book. what also has suggestions for the reading, exploring come on the web and in your own travels, you can use everything from mobile based copies and get pds of the guides and find a lot of life history interviews on l