this is done by the owners of the huge, and the zuckerberg media corporation will teach, it is differentrom doom. having said the phrase that democracy is discipline and responsibility. you know in europe discipline and responsibility. they were very much in demand when they built camps and burned furnaces, there were jews, and e slavs. and in general, everyone who would not be lucky. it's a very disciplined thing that the clock has everything hi hyper. what is wonderful, and this bow is going to wait. to each his own, which hung on the gates of the buchenwald terrible death camp. doesn’t such a comparison suggest itself when it turns out that democracy in the most democratic country is discipline and responsibility, that is, it is responsibility to those who forces to be disciplined to his tasks by his order. and his will, is n't the same thing happening now. in europe, for 75 years, europe, being under the american nuclear umbrella, grew fat, ate plump, drank, ate, and built. uh, filming movies, leaving performances, but europe has atrophied, her muscles have atrophied over the years,