joining us now for more insight, zvi schreiber, the ceo of international online freight marketplace, ghtos. why don't you tell us what freightos does? what is your perspective on the shipping market. zvi: freightos is a digital marketplace for matching carriers, shipping services, with importers and exporters. traditionally, that has been a very inefficient market, undemocratic based on relationship. freightos is digitizing that. that is the capacity for shipping, demand for shipping. importers and exporters get matched efficiently. that was one of our indexes. the freightos index, which shows the prices of shipping around the world. romaine: use the word efficiency. i think for a lot of consumers on the ground, we are being told that wait times can be months, in some cases up to a year. overseas, they are being made. i am curious if you can distill for us, what is the main hang up , getting these products into our ports onto the truck and into our homes. zvi: the main hang up is americans are suddenly buying more stuff. actually spending more money on goods. pre-covid in the average