the floor for the speech is given to the theater director, resident of the tavrida artery zvykova kristina evenevna i want to tell you about the opportunities that allow us to develop in creative activity on behalf of all young cultural figures. i was born in novosibirsk, and thanks to my participation in projects of the presidential platform russia as a land of opportunities, i achieved results that previously seemed literally impossible. these projects allow us, young people born in the regions, to express ourselves. and i am an example of this, i participate in creative industry projects and represent russia at international forums. if we talk about the creative industry, today there is an active development of the regions, and it seems to me that this is a very right path, because a large number of talented guys live in the regions of the country and want to develop their small homeland. that is why i stage plays not only in the capital of our country, but in the regions. my last premiere was in the north, i’m releasing my next performance in siberia. grant. allow us, creative people, to realiz