atoned for and where we can find those who perpetuated these terrible abuses that are brought to zwruzz, even these several years since they might first occurred. >> gemma doil? >> scotland's first minister has misled the public on legal advice that does not exist and rewritten the mine tieral code for his own gain and there are strong suggestions he willig theory the aloral commission in the upcoming referendum. people in scotland are losing faith in the first minister and this government are in danger of being complicit in yet another muddle. does the deputy prime minister trust the first minister to deliver a fair, legal and decisive referendum on operation? >> i hope the honorable lady will recognize we've been working on a cross party bias, particularly toes parties of the united kingdom to ensure there is a fair vote in the referendum. i certainly agree with her characterization. the spectacle of the a. is -- s.n.p. administration using taxpayers money to stop the disclosure to the public of legal advice that they never sought in the first place. honestly you can't make it up and