zyad: my mom works really hard. like, honest to god, the amount of work she does, i couldn't accomplish it myself. lamees: in my business plan, i'm planning to pass this business down to my kids. this guy is planning to be a doctor, but i told him that doesn't mean you can't own a company, so hopefully one day we reach our goal. zyad: i have been working with my mom for such a long time that i can actually go ahead and dabble in these recipes and things like that, trying to re-create the same flavors as my mom. i want to do what my mom always does, which is share her experiences through food. landa: in addition to the fact that they're cooking, they're also doing the books, they're also thinking about the next catering job, they're sending invoices. when you're a small business owner, you're wearing every single hat. when people cook food in our kitchen, they have to pack all that food. [lamees speaking arabic] lamees: we have to go. i'm leaving. landa: they have to load into a car. [lamees speaking arabic] zyad: ok